Associated Comp.
Represented Comp.
Thermosol Inc.
Thermosol Inc., innovation with a new <<patented>> insulation concept.

Thermosol Inc., is a subsidiary of the Bennett Fleet group and a Canadian manufactuer of insulating components for the footwear and sportswear industries. Recently,Thermosol Inc., has mastered a new insulating technique that endures weight pressure and maintains an insulating factor of R.22. The Thermal-Tek concept uses calibrated air cells and aluminum reflectors. The membrane can be laminated to different products to suit a wide variety of applications. with the availability of many applications this new product has no comparison.

This is why Thermal-Tek is being used by many shoe and outer wear/gear manufacturers. Thermal-Tek is always seeking ne applications for general manufacturing and inductrial sectors where high performance insulation is need in small areas.